Fencing 101

Tickets for this Event are Sold Out

Event Timing: June 11th 2023 10:00AM-12:00PM PST 时间 - 6月11日 10-12
Event Address: 17530 132nd Ave NE h, Woodinville, WA 98072 - 地点
Contact us at admin@neempowerment.org - 联系方式

International Buddies & NeuroDiversity Empowerment jointly present the summer activity, "Fencing 101." During the two-hour session at the local fencing club, children will:

1. Be introduced to three types of fencing: foil, epee, and sabre, by professional fencers.
2. Learn about fencing etiquette.
3. Understand the process and judging criteria of fencing ompetitions.
4. Learn how to interpret the results of fencing matches.
5. Warm up and immerse experience in the two most popular fencing techniques: foil and epee.
6. Try out basic fencing footwork and participate in fencing training mini-games.

The cost for this event is $10 per child, which will be used to cover the rental fees for the venue. Several volunteer athletes will be providing their services for this event.


International Buddy & NeuroDiversity Empowerment 联袂推出暑期活动,击剑运动101。在击剑馆的两个小时的时间里,小朋友们将:

1. 专业击剑运动员介绍三种击剑运动,重剑,花剑与佩剑。
2. 击剑的礼仪。
3. 击剑比赛的流程与评判标准。
4. 如何看懂击剑比赛谁输谁赢。
5. 热身并沉浸式体验重剑与花剑这两种最流行的剑法。
6. 击剑基本动作步伐的尝试以及击剑训练小游戏。

本次活动收取费用每位小朋友 $10,用以支付租赁场地的费用。将有一下几位义工运动员提供服务: 

Date & Time
June 11, 2023
10:00 AM 12:00 PM America/Los_Angeles

ED Empowerment

8914 125th Ln NE
Kirkland 98033
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ED Empowerment


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